Hello there, this is Faisal Mohammad Alvee. I am pursuing my Ph.D. in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, at the University of Connecticut (UConn), USA. Details about our research group can be found here.
Coming from a country that seems to be perpetually inflicted with the curse of mother nature, I was always amazed and perplexed by the fury of nature. As a child, I grew up hearing the stories of the mighty Padma River engulfing village after village overnight with river erosion, stories about how a single cyclone took over 140,000 lives in a single day in 1991. I grew up watching my beloved city of Dhaka, experiencing acute water logging problems even after 2-3 hours of moderate rainfall. My young mind always wanted to understand the reasons behind these phenomena.
Now as a water resources professional and an academician, I want to enhance my knowledge even further and know or find out efficient and effective ways to address these challenges.
Research Interest
Coastal Engineering
GIS and Remote Sensing
Climate Extremes
River Engineering and River Morphology
AutoCAD & WaterCAD
Delft 3D & HEC-RAS
Programming with Matlab & Fortran